I have made my final decision, and I have decided to keep my current name “CraftsbyKnight” there was a lot of thinking that went into this decision, and I wanted to let everyone know not to expect a name change in the future. I like my current name and it allows for growth in the future, which is the reason I chose it.
On a side note, school starts on Tuesday and I am really excited! I am going to take four classes this semester. The classes I am taking are: Intro to Jewelry making and metal-smiting, Intro to Photography, design survey, and a really neat class about profesional portfolio development, which should help me to improve my portfolio for the spring and help me to get an internship next fall.
I am also going to try and focus more on my business site, craftsbyknight.etsy.com. I am worried that I won’t have time to do everything I want to do, but it doesn’t hurt to try. I am going to set a schedule for myself for the week, that should help to keep me on track. Anyway I look forward to hearing from everyone that reads my blog, Carley.