My bails came in the mail yesterday! let me back up a little bit. Last summer we went to Door County, WI, and when we were there we went to the Hands on Art Studio and I made a bunch of fused glass tiles, shown here:

I have been wanting to make them into pendants for a long time, but I couldn’t think of the name for what you put on the back for a long time, then it came to me: A Bail! and with that I was able to order them online, on ebay. I got a 50 piece set, it took almost three weeks to come, and they finally came yesterday! So all I needed was to put the bails on the tiles, and for that I used E-6000, a great glue:

and here they are drying:

I let them dry for one day, and here they are, all finished:

I am really happy with the results, and I am going to put them on my etsy store I think I am just going to put the pendants for sale without putting them on necklaces. What do you think about my pendants? Also here’s one last picture of my “helper” Pepe:

Well I hope you like them, please let me know what you think!